Safety Locksmith NYC


What Is An Exit Device, And What Are Its Different Types?

Suppose your building caught fire or your place has come in contact with a flood; who do you think will help you escape such a difficult situation? We know that you may never think about these things, but one must prepare for such problems to quickly get through these tough times. 

We all have observed that we react differently and start panicking whenever we get stuck in a risky situation like a fire hazard. In such cases, our mind goes blank, and we start freaking out. That is why, no matter if we are in the home or the office, installing exit devices is a must to ensure our safety. To better understand the concept of exit devices, let’s dig deep to determine their importance and the types of them available for your requirement.

What Are Exit Devices, And Why Is It Important?

Exit devices (also known as panic and crash devices) are installed on the exit side of the door. They are also known as push bars and panic bars and are essential in situations of emergency. To activate this device, one has to force the loaded vault that unbolts the lock. These devices provide a safe and simple way to leave a building, which is why installing them at the exit of your apartment is a smart move. 

These devices guarantee the security of people when they feel panicked. Suppose the building has caught fire and people inside it start panicking and want to leave; at that time, an exit device will help you as an emergency exit. Because when you get stuck in such a situation, you go blank, and at that time, you cannot handle even the simple doors, especially if tons of people are rushing towards the same door with you.

Inefficient exit devices were said to be the main reason for casualties in past emergencies. So, companies started fixing exit devices such as push bars to stop this. They help and allow the mass of people to easily open doors and leave the space in times of emergency. 

Depending on the building you own, these devices also help meet insurance requirements or reduce insurance costs. Moreover, the exit device is too prevalent in other ways apart from the emergency exit. It is quick to use, and you can use both hands while opening the door. Drawing all the effort and thought out of the procedure makes it much safer.

Types Of Exit Devices

So, knowing what exit devices are, it is evident that they have high importance in buildings. However, exit devices have different types, and choosing the right one might confuse you. Furthermore, you should know which exit device will do the perfect job for you. Well, we got you covered on that, as we will explain the types of exit devices.  

There are majorly five types of exit devices that you can install in the doors of your residential and commercial building, and these are:

Rim Exit Device

It is a popular exit device comprising a durable rim that allows easy and smooth opening of doors in an emergency. The measurement of this perfectly molded T- shaped exit device is the width (6.5″ ”) and length (39″). 

This device is suitable for right and left-hand doors and consists of Hex Key dogging for easy door opening. The device’s body is built of brass, stainless steel, and alloy to make it waterproof. It easily attaches to sway doors for emergencies.


Surface Vertical Rod Exit Device

The Surface Vertical Rod exit device is ideal for about 1-¾” to 2 inches thick doors. It can easily fit into regular doors of length 7 feet. This device comes equipped with inbuilt appliance screws and metallic plates. 

It offers accurate resistance for the fast and smooth procedure of door opening. The device comes with a lengthy, solid rod and the handle of a crash bar. It is suitable for both commercial and residential doors. The installation of this exit device is also not that hard.


Exit Device

This device is built of Fabricated steel, and its push and rail have a layering of brass and powdered aluminum. It is suitable for right and left-handed gates of a thickness of about 28–48 inches. 

This device works according to the dogging system, allowing fast and safe exit. You can install it at the doors of hotels, retail spaces, garages, and offices, and it is also ideal for wooden doors. The whole kit includes hardware, bolts, and a user guide so you can install it accordingly.


Mortise Lock Exit Device

The Mortise lock exit device works on the latched trim mechanism for security and operation. This device is fit for narrow pattern door stiles. It is perfectly suitable for both single and double glass gates. 

The device comes with a vertical rod and mortise lock to allow a safe and quick exit. It automatically detaches the bolt if high pressure emerges from the bar’s body weight. This device comprises wood and machine screws for easy installation.


Concealed Vertical Rod Exit Device

A concealed exit device is built of stainless steel and is fit for metal and wooden doors of about 28–36 inches. The device comes along with a firm spring latch that helps in fast exit at the time of emergencies. 

This flexible exit device is suitable for hotels, schools, offices, hospitals, and other emergency exit doors. It resists events like the swinging of the ready-made metal rod. You can install this device easily with the help of hardware, screws, and a user manual.


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Benefits Of Exit Devices

Exit devices come with many benefits and comforts in the market. So below are some advantages you should know of before buying them.

  • They Are Safe

These exit devices close the building’s doors at the time of risk of fire to prevent rush and stop the fire from escalating in a building. Hence, these devices help both in protecting people and property. The exit devices can be verified as either fireproof or non-fire-rated, depending on how they have been designed. 

They also provide added security while fitted on exit doors. They ensure that the gate remains bolted and unreachable from the outside. Moreover, these crash bars can also be attached to the security systems so that the alarms can automatically activate during their use. 

  • They Save Life

In any room or area of a building where many people have gathered, an easy and safe exit is always possible in an emergency because of exit devices. The gates in these areas always sway out to the people leaving the building in an emergency. Building codes regulate the count of doors that are provided with exit devices.

  • They Allow Easy Access

They allow safe and easy exit in case of an emergency. Any disabled person or a person in a wheelchair, whether a child or an adult, can easily reach the crash bar and open the door. You do not need to worry about gaining access with a lock and key.

  • They Work In Business Areas

If you are into business, then as a rightful businessman, you are responsible for your customers’ and employees’ safety. These exit devices will protect you and your whole business area from events or cases of emergency. 

Moreover, in many companies and workplaces accommodating up to 50 people, installing exit devices indoors is compulsory. The law needs them in meetings and learning tenure.

  • They Are Practical

The exit device provides safety and is affordable. It is also possible to cut off some charges on your insurance costs. So check to ask your insurance provider if crash devices will get you any concession.


Exit devices are needed, efficient, and very effective for industrial and residential buildings. And as these devices are so important, having them installed by a qualified or professional locksmith is also very important. If you combine the fantastic benefits of the exit device with its cost-friendly price, you will realize how great it is to install it at your place.

Safety Locksmith has been a popular name providing all kinds of locks-related services for so long, so you can trust us with all your exit devices-related requirements. Our locksmiths have the expertise and are licensed to install and repair various door-related devices. 

We will offer you a complete service, from delivering exit devices to their installation. For our services or related queries, feel free to call us at 212-534-7547 or mail us at

Frequently Asked Questions

An exit device is called Panic Bar, Panic Device, or Crash Bar. It is a piece of hardware fitted on an exit door of a building that locks it from the outside, but it helps people inside the building to leave or exit without unlocking it. That means it regulates entry but permits exits in an emergency. This device aims to provide a safe and easy way to open the door for exit.

An exit device is a latch with an inside detach bar. The door gets unlocked when this bar is pressed and allows the person to exit safely. It also stops strangers and any other unauthorized person from entering a building. Furthermore, It is available in different types like mortise, fire-rated, standard, vertical rod, and rim exit devices. 

As per the life safety code, the exit device should always unlock the door without any previous understanding of how to operate it. Any parallel pressure on the push rail or crossbar will detach the door.

Standard exit devices are amazingly affordable. They’re a cost-friendly method to attach an additional safety component to your building. The single exit device ranges from around $100 – $300.

Henry DuPont and Carl Prinzler, the two Indianapolis inventors, discovered the first exit device that was formulated to allow people’s exit from the building and provide them safety in a time of emergency.

Emergency exit is essential as it clears your way and gives a smooth exit from the building in the case of an emergency like flood or fire. So ensure that devices are prepared to use in such situations.

What Is An Exit Device, And What Are Its Different Types?

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